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Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary - little


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I. [c red]DETERMINER, QUANTIFIER, AND ADVERB USES Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use little to indicate that there is only a very small amount of something. You can use ‘so’, ‘too’, and ‘very’ in front of little. I had little money and little free time... I find that I need very little sleep these days... There is little doubt that a diet high in fibre is more satisfying... So far little progress has been made towards ending the fighting... DET: DET n-uncount • Little is also a quantifier. Little of the existing housing is of good enough quality... ? much QUANT: QUANT of def-n • Little is also a pronoun. In general, employers do little to help the single working mother... Little is known about his childhood. PRON 2. Little means not very often or to only a small extent. On their way back to Marseille they spoke very little... ADV: ADV with v 3. A little of something is a small amount of it, but not very much. You can also say a very little. Mrs Caan needs a little help getting her groceries home... A little food would do us all some good... I shall be only a very little time. DET: DET n-uncount • Little is also a pronoun. They get paid for it. Not much. Just a little. PRON • Little is also a quantifier. Pour a little of the sauce over the chicken... I’m sure she won’t mind sparing us a little of her time. QUANT: QUANT of def-n-uncount/sing 4. If you do something a little, you do it for a short time. He walked a little by himself in the garden. ADV: ADV after v 5. A little or a little bit means to a small extent or degree. He complained a little of a nagging pain between his shoulder blades... He was a little bit afraid of his father’s reaction... If you have to drive when you are tired, go a little more slowly than you would normally... ADV: ADV after v, ADV adj/adv 6. If something happens little by little, it happens very gradually. In the beginning he had felt well, but little by little he was becoming weaker... = gradually PHRASE: PHR with cl II. [c red]ADJECTIVE USES (littler, littlest) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: The comparative 'littler' and the superlative 'littlest' are sometimes used in spoken English for meanings 1, 3, and 4, but otherwise the comparative and superlative forms of the adjective 'little' are not used. 1. Little things are small in size. Little is slightly more informal than small. We sat around a little table, eating and drinking wine. ...the little group of art students. = small ? big ADJ: usu ADJ n 2. You use little to indicate that someone or something is small, in a pleasant and attractive way. She’s got the nicest little house not far from the library. ...a little old lady... James usually drives a little hatchback. ADJ: ADJ n 3. A little child is young. I have a little boy of 8... When I was little I was very hyper-active. ADJ 4. Your little sister or brother is younger than you are. Whenever Daniel’s little sister was asked to do something she always had a naughty reply. ? big ADJ: ADJ n 5. A little distance, period of time, or event is short in length. Just go down the road a little way, turn left, and cross the bridge... Why don’t we just wait a little while and see what happens... I’ve been wanting to have a little talk with you. ? long ADJ: ADJ n 6. A little sound or gesture is quick. I had a little laugh to myself... She stood up quickly, giving a little cry of astonishment... He turned with a little nod and I watched him walk away. ADJ: ADJ n 7. You use little to indicate that something is not serious or important. ...irritating little habits... Harry found himself getting angry over little things that had never bothered him before. ADJ: ADJ n
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   I. adjective  (~r or less or lesser; ~st or least)  Etymology: Middle English littel, from Old English ly?tel; akin to Old High German luzzil ~  Date: before 12th century  1. not big: as  a. small in size or extent ; tiny has ~ feet  b. young was too ~ to remember  c. of a plant or animal small in comparison with related forms — used in vernacular names  d. having few members or inhabitants a ~ group ~ towns  e. small in condition, distinction, or scope big business trampling on the ~ fellow  f. narrow, mean the pettiness of ~ minds  g. pleasingly small a cute ~ thing  h. — used as an intensive why, you ~ devil!  2. not much: as  a. existing only in a small amount or to a slight degree has ~ money  b. short in duration ; brief  c. existing to an appreciable though not extensive degree or amount — used with a had a ~ money in the bank  3. small in importance or interest ; trivial  Synonyms: see small  • ~ness noun  II. adverb  (less; least)  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. in only a small quantity or degree ; slightly facts that were ~ known at the time  b. not at all cared ~ for their neighbors  2. rarely, infrequently  III. noun  Date: before 12th century  1. a small amount, quantity, or degree; also practically nothing ~ has changed  2.  a. a short time  b. a short distance ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adj., n., & adv. --adj. (littler, littlest; less or lesser; least) 1 small in size, amount, degree, etc.; not great or big: often used to convey affectionate or emotional overtones, or condescension, not implied by small (a friendly little chap; a silly little fool; a nice little car). 2 a short in stature (a little man). b of short distance or duration (will go a little way with you; wait a little while). 3 (prec. by a) a certain though small amount of (give me a little butter). 4 trivial; relatively unimportant (exaggerates every little difficulty). 5 not much; inconsiderable (gained little advantage from it). 6 operating on a small scale (the little shopkeeper). 7 as a distinctive epithet: a of a smaller or the smallest size etc. (little finger). b that is the smaller or smallest of the name (little auk; little grebe). 8 young or younger (a little boy; my little sister). 9 as of a child, evoking tenderness, condescension, amusement, etc. (we know their little ways). 10 mean, paltry, contemptible (you little sneak). --n. 1 not much; only a small amount (got very little out of it; did what little I could). 2 (usu. prec. by a) a a certain but no great amount (knows a little of everything; every little helps). b a short time or distance (after a little). --adv. (less, least) 1 to a small extent only (little-known authors; is little more than speculation). 2 not at all; hardly (they little thought). 3 (prec. by a) somewhat (is a little deaf). Phrases and idioms in little on a small scale. the Little Bear see BEAR(2). little by little by degrees; gradually. little end the smaller end of a connecting-rod, attached to the piston. little finger the smallest finger, at the outer end of the hand. little man esp. joc. (as a form of address) a boy. little ones young children or animals. little or nothing hardly anything. the little people fairies. Little Russian hist. n. a Ukrainian. --adj. Ukrainian. little slam Bridge the winning of 12 tricks. the little woman colloq. often derog. one's wife. no little considerable, a good deal...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) маленький 2) малое 3) малый 4) небольшой 5) незначительный 6) немного 7) немногое a very little more — чуть-чуть больше it can be shown by a little algebra — путем несложных алгебраических преобразований можно показать little gaint jack — карликовый домкрат - little bridge - little group - little known - little line - too little - twice as little ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. немногое, небольшое количество; самая малость we must keep what little we have —- мы должны беречь то немногое, что у нас есть he didwhat little he could —- он сделал все, что было в его (слабых) силах the little I have is not worth giving —- ту малость, которая у меня есть, просто не стоит дарить the little of his work that I have seen in excellent —- то немногое из его работы, что я видел, - великолепно every little helps —- небольшая помощь - уже помощь; любая малость пригодится 2. эмоц-усил. почти ничего; мало что I understood little of his speech —- в его речи я мало что понял to make little of smth. —- мало что понять; плохо расслышать; не разглядеть и т. п. I can make little of your writing —- никак не разберу, что вы тут написали; недооценивать, принижать значение чего-л. Id: from little up —- ам. с детства Id: the little —- "маленькие люди" Id: in little —- в небольшом масштабе; в миниатюре Id: little by little, by little and little —- мало-помалу, постепенно, понемногу Id: little or nothing —- почти ничего, очень мало, ничтожное количество Id: to think little of —- не придавать особого значения, быть невысокого мнения (о ком-л., чем-л.) 3. маленький, небольшой (о размере) little house —- домик, небольшой дом the little ones —- малыши, дети; детеныши the little Joneses —- дети Джоунзов my little man! —- мой мальчик! (обращение) 4....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  beggars малыши (о детях и животных) LITTLE by little мало-помалу, постепенно; LITTLE devil joc. чертенок; iron. сущий дьявол, отчаянный малый LITTLE finger мизинец; LITTLE Bear Малая Медведица LITTLE Mary coll. желудок LITTLE nothings of life мелочи жизни LITTLE Rock noun г. Литл-Рок LITTLE things мелочи LITTLE toe мизинец (на ноге); LITTLE ways маленькие, смешные слабости LITTLE  1. adj.; comp. less, lesser; superl. least  1) маленький; небольшой; little ones -  а) дети;  б) детеныши; - little finger - little toe - the little people - little ways  2) короткий (о времени, расстоянии); come a little way with me - проводите меня немного  3) малый, незначительный; - little things  4) мелочный, ограниченный; little things amuse little minds - мелочи занимают (лишь) мелкие умы - little Mary to go but a little way не хватать Syn: see small  2. adv.  1) немного, мало; I like him little - я его недолюбливаю; a little - немного; rest a little - отдохните немного; little less (more) than - немного меньше (больше), чем; to make little of smth. - не принимать всерьез, не придавать значения  2) с глаголами know, dream, think и т.п. совсем не little did he think that (или he little thought that) - он и не думал, что  3. noun  1) небольшое количество; немногое, кое-что, пустяк; little or nothing - почти ничего; not a little - немало; knows a little of everything - знает понемногу обо всем; - little by little - in little  2) короткое, непродолжительное время;...
Англо-русский словарь
  ~1 adj 1 »SIZE« small in size  (a little house | their little group of supporters | a little bit of especially BrE (=a small piece of something))  (little bits of paper all over the floor | little tiny spoken (=extremely small))  (a little tiny puppy | a little something informal (=a small present))  (I promised the kids a little something if they ate all their dinner.) 2 used about something or someone that is small to show that you like or dislike them, or that you feel sorry for them  (nice little/clever little etc)  (a nice little house | a clever little gadget | It wasn't a bad little car. | nasty little/silly little etc)  (another of her silly little jokes | a boring little man | poor little/pathetic little (=used when you feel sympathetic))  (her sad little face looking up at me | a poor little bird with a broken wing) 3 done in a way that is not very strong or noticeable; slight  (a wry little smile) 4 »TIME/DISTANCE« short in time or distance  (I can have a nice little nap in the car. | You'll find it a little way along this path. | a little while (=a short period of time))  (He arrived a little while ago. | We sat there for a little while longer.) 5 »YOUNG« young and small  (a cute little puppy | We didn't have toys like this when I was little. | a little boy/girl)  (two little boys playing in the street | your little girl/boy (=your son or daughter who is still a child))  (Mum, I'm 17 - I'm not your little girl any longer. | little brother/sister (=a younger brother or sister who is still a child)) 6 »UNIMPORTANT« a) not important  (I'm too busy to worry about little things like broken windows.) b) used jokingly when you really think that something is important  (There's just that little matter of the -5000 you owe me.) 7 a little bird told me humorous spoken used to say that someone who you are not going to name has told you something about another person  (A little bird told me you're getting married soon.) 8 the little woman spoken an expression meaning someone's wife, often considered offensive...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. lytel (related to lyt "little, few," from P.Gmc. *luti), from W.Gmc. *lutila-, from PIE *leud- "small." "Often synonymous with small, but capable of emotional implications which small is not." [O.E.D.] ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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